One More Sleep!

Okaaay, so I only have one more sleep before I leave. I currently feel like a bipolar person – my emotions are jumping around between incredibly excited, and incredibly panicked. Haha. At least I think excitement is winning at the moment!


I’ve been packing, and checking I have everything. Changed my packing list AGAIN, because it just seemed like too much. On the other hand, I don’t want to take too little either. Oh well, it all seems to fit, and it all seems to be under 20kg so it’s all good!


It’s really cool being able to get in touch with other people who are doing similar things and keen to have similar adventures. I mean I’ve already organised to do some sight-seeing with other people in London, and been speaking to other people on my Contiki and have organised to go for drinks before tour starts! It’s awesome that other people are also so excited, and it’s also good to know that I’m not the only one who is a little nervous.



The Almost-Packed-but-Ready-to-Go Traveler
